Food As Medicine: Milk Thistle Gomasio
Gomasio is a traditional condiment traditional in Japanese cuisine. Its rich base of roasted sesame seeds and seaweed provides a perfect canvas for blending other delicious and medicinal seeds that cross easily over into the "food as medicine " realm.
Spring Dreaming
This is the time of year here in New England when we all longingly look out our windows yearning for spring! To me it's all so visceral and wrapped-up in the senses- the smell of mud and the earth waking-up, the colors (forsythia! daffodils! lilacs! red maple buds!), the feel of my feet squishing into a thawing earth, the sharp tastes of the earliest spring chives and garlic leaves.
Wild Salad: A Spring Delicacy!
Making wild salad can easily become a cherished spring ritual. It’s relaxing and fun, and I’d say that collecting your dinner is a medicinal act in itself, not to mention the benefits of eating it! I like to grab a big basket and lay out my harvest, mostly for the aesthetic value, but a paper or cloth bag will do just fine.
Spring & Summertimes 2013
We've had a great growing season here at Milk & Honey Herbs- it was our first year providing the community with potent, live medicinal plants! Our plant list is growing every day and we look forward to another exciting year of growth for the nursery in 2014.
The Winter Herbal Medicine Cabinet
This time of year I often find myself rifling through the cabinets looking for just the right herbs and ingredients to brew up a tea, tincture or syrup for myself or one of my ailing family members.
Conscious Eating: "Fight or Flight" vs "Rest and Digest"
When we eat in a disturbed or busy environment, on the run, driving, or when we’re stressed, angry, or upset, we cannot adequately digest our food and receive the most nutritionally from our meal!