Spring Dreaming

This is the time of year here in New England when we all longingly look out our windows yearning for spring! To me it's all so visceral and wrapped-up in the senses- the smell of mud and the earth waking-up, the colors (forsythia! daffodils! lilacs! red maple buds!), the feel of my feet squishing into a thawing earth, the sharp tastes of the earliest spring chives and garlic leaves.  Sometimes it even seems like you can hear the plants growing it all happens so fast.

A well-loved ritual this time of year is taking an inventory of my seeds- seeing what I have, deciding what I need, and dreaming of the gardens I will grow and seedlings I will nurture in the nursery the coming growing year.

There are so many fantastic seeds companies out there, but here are some of my favorites that have wonderful selections of medicinals:

Fedco Seeds
Waterville, ME

Richters Herbs
Goodwood, ON, Canada

Turtle Tree Seed
Copake, NY

Horizon Herbs
Williams, OR

Wherever your spring dreams take you, may they be bright, colorful, and full of movement and joy.

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