Upcoming Events

From the Roots Up 2025 Apprenticeship: Year I
Our signature 8-month apprenticeship in bioregional herbalism, now in its 13th year!
Class meets 1 Sunday/month OR 1 Monday/mo (we have 2 options available), April-November, on local farms in the Amherst/Northampton, MA area
2025 Sunday Dates: 4/27, 5/18, 6/1, 7/13, 8/10, 9/14, 10/5, 11/2 (FULL for 2025)
2025 Monday Dates: 4/21, 5/19, 6/9, 7/21, 8/18, 9/22, 10/20, 11/3 (currently enrolling)
FULL for 2025
Email milkandhoneyherbs@gmail.com to be added to the waitlist

From the Roots Up Apprenticeship: Year 2
A 9 month herbal apprenticeship for those who have completed our Year 1 program or have some prior herbal experience and would like to deepen their learning!
Class meets 1 Sunday/mo, March-November, on local farms in the Amherst/Northampton, MA area
2025 Dates: 3/23, 4/6, 5/4, 6/22, 7/6, 8/4, 9/7, 10/19, 11/19
FULL for 2025
Email milkandhoneyherbs@gmail.com to be added to the waitlist

Tree Medicine Spring Intensive
Tree Medicine Spring Intensive
Spring Equinox Weekend 2025
March 22nd + 23rd
At Sawmill Herb Farm- Montague, MA
Join us for a 2-day tree medicine workshop over spring equinox weekend!
The northeast is about 75% forested and contains numerous medicinal tree species, both native and non-native, making this a category of medicinals well worth getting to know. In this 2-day, weekend intensive, we'll highlight the medicinal uses of northeast tree species in season in the spring- which is an ideal time to harvest medicinal barks- and learn about a variety of medicinal trees.
Trees we’ll work with may include Willow (Salix spp), Sweet Birch (Betula lenta), Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides), Cottonwood (Populus deltoides), Wild Cherry (Prunus serotina), Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana), Peach (Prunus persica) , Magnolia (Magnolia spp), Apple and Crabapple (Malus sylvestris), Alder (Alnus spp),White Pine (Pinus strobus), Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Juniper (Juniperus spp), and more.
Class will be a combination of:
Plant walks focusing on ID, ecology, and sustainable wildcrafting methods
Materia Medica (full medicinal profile) of numerous northeast medicinal trees
Medicine-making (tinctures, cordials/elixirs, conifer resin salve, cottonwood bud tallow balm, and more)
Solo/integration time with the plants
We’ll learn techniques for sustainably wildcrafting bark, how to to I.D. many of our local medicinal trees while they are still in bud before they have leafed-out, their medicinal benefits, and how to capture these properties in your own homemade medicines like tinctures, oils, syrups, teas, and more!
Course Logistics:
-Tuition is $325 for the weekend. May be paid in full or 1/2 due at registration and 1/2 due one week before class. No refunds unless 2 weeks notice is given
-Students are responsible for their own food and lodging
-Accessibility: There are three steps to get into the space we’ll be using for class and we will walk, on average, 1-2 miles around forest and fields on uneven terrain
-Class will be held rain or shine. Indoor portions of class in Sawmill’s beautiful, renovated, heated barn and classroom space
-Medicine-making supplies are not included (jars, alcohol, etc)- students will be sent a supply list prior to class
-Plant material and 40+ page Tree Medicine of the Northeast booklet are included (PDF + hard copy)
-Class size is limited to 15 participants
Please be in touch with any questions and email milkandhoneyherbs@gmail.com if you’d rather pay with a check.
CLASS IS FULL! Please email to be added to the waiting list

Bowls of Wisdom Community Dinner
Bowls Of Wisdom Community Dinner
Friday Jan 17th, 5-8pm
At Lighthouse Holyoke- 92 Race St, Holyoke, MA
Sliding Scale $0-20
RSVP HERE or just show-up!
Join me for the winter installation of the Holyoke Food & Equity Collective’s seasonal, sliding-scale community dinners!
I’ll be giving a talk on winter wellness and spice rack medicines that are probably already in your kitchen. And we’ll enjoy a community meal together of some delectable soups made by chef Neftalí Durán.
Sliding scale $0-$20 per person. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Spice Rack Medicine: Winter Online Series
Registration for our 2025 cohort is now OPEN until Dec 13th!
SPICE RACK MEDICINE: Winter Online Series 2025
Where Kitchen Medicine and Herbalism Meet
This course covers the rich subject of Kitchen Medicine, demystifying herbalism and bringing it back into the home. We'll explore the amazing medicinal uses of the culinary herbs and ways to capture their properties for medicine, both in herbal preparations and in our food. We will also delve deeply into the subject of "food as medicine." We'll learn how to eat for our personal constitutions, understand the energetics of different foods, use the tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms daily in the kitchen, and how to get the most nutritionally from the foods we eat. There will also, of course, be plenty of medicine-making and cooking demos as well!
There are 6 Modules total, covering:
-The medicinal use of over 25 kitchen herbs
-Herbal ghee
-Medicinal mushrooms, adaptogens, and seaweeds in the kitchen
-Nutritive herbs and remineralizing
-Nourishing herbal broths and soups
-Herb and food energetics
-Gut health and optimizing digestion
-Folk medicine-making (bitters, cordials, vinegars, oxymels, honeys, and more)
-Medicinal ferments, and so much more
And we’ll have 3 live calls between Jan 8th and Feb 18th for questions and to deepen the learning!
Class begins January 6th, 2025
Learn More & Join us Here

Medicinal Mushrooms in the Kitchen
Wednesday Oct 23rd
6:30-8pm EST
Online + Free
Hosted by River Valley Co-op
Please pre-register here!
In this workshop we’ll discuss 3 potent and delicious medicinal mushrooms that double as “food as medicine”- Lion’s Mane, Maitake/Hen of the Woods, and Shiitake. We’ll discuss their medicinal properties such as nootropic, anti-inflammatory, liver and immune supportive, antioxidant, and more, and learn some easy and cost-effective ways to capture their medicine in the kitchen. Recipes will be demoed and shared!

Autumn Herbal Foraging
Thurs Oct 3rd
4:30-6:30 pm
At The Hitchcock Center
Amherst, MA
Sliding scale $25-45
Please pre-register HERE
Join us for a walk identifying our bioregionally abundant medicinal herbs that come into season in the fall. We’ll learn identification, medicinal uses, harvesting techniques, medicinal preparations and more. Participants will be given time to do some foraging of their own and we’ll end our walk by sharing some medicinal wild food recipes.

Fall Cordials: How Sweet it Is
Wednesday Sept 25th
At Sawmill Herb Farm
Montague, MA
Learn more and register here
Learn how to make your own delicious and medicinal cordials, also known as elixirs. These concoctions are a combination of liquor of choice, plus honey, infused with aromatic and bitters herbs and fruits, and in class we'll be focusing on the the bounty of bioregionally abundant late summer and fall fruits, roots, and herbs widely available in our area. These are best enjoyed in fancy cordial glasses on cold fall and winter nights or throw into wine with herbs for a mulled wine beyond compare. And they can be taken medicinally too! We’ll cover formulation, dosage, and crafting your own cordials, with a focus on creativity and a folk medicine-making approach. Recipes will be provided and participants will leave with their own homemade cordial we make together in class.

Fall Foraging: Seeds, Roots, Berries, Barks & More
Fall Foraging: Seeds, Roots, Berries, Barks & More
Wed Sept 11th
At Just Roots Farm
Greenfield, MA
Sliding scale $0-$35
Please pre-register HERE
Join us for a walk around Just Roots Farm identifying our bioregionally abundant medicinal herbs that come into season in the fall. We'll learn identification, medicinal uses, harvesting techniques, medicinal preparations and more. Participants will be given time to do some foraging of their own and we'll end our walk by sharing some medicinal wild food dishes Jade will prepare ahead of time to share. Recipes will be shared!

Gather: A Northeastern Herbal Conference
Sunday June 23rd
At Bentley University- Waltham, MA
Learn more and register here
Creating a Bioregional Materia Medica for the Northeast
Bioregional Herbalism is the practice of working with the medicinal plants abundant in the fabric of the landscape and bioregion you call home. It doesn’t have to look like working with solely native plants, rather, it’s about learning which plants are abundant enough locally to be worked with and harvested sustainably, and often these are non-native, weedy, and even cultivated garden herbs. In this class Jade will share herbal actions no apothecary is complete without and match her favorite bioregionally abundant herbs with these actions to build a northeast bioregional materia medica. The idea is to give participants the tools to create their own home apothecary full of local herbal medicines that can address a wide variety of health conditions and issues. She'll share insights and tips to help participants create their own unique northeast materia medica based on their family's and community's needs, versatility, accessibility, and more.

Wild Edibles & Medicinals Plant Walk
Saturday June 22nd
At Northfield Mtn Recreation & Environmental Center- Northfield, MA.
Please pre-register here!
Join us for a plant walk exploring the bountiful wild edible and medicinal herbs of late spring and early summer! We'll discuss identification, medicinal and edible uses, recipes, and sustainable harvesting practices for many of our locally abundant plants.

Rhode Island Herb Festival
Saturday May 18th-9am-6pm
At Farmacy Herbs- 28 Cemetery St, Providence, RI
Learn more and register here
Herbal Approaches to Seasonal & Environmental Allergies
In this class we’ll discuss addressing the symptoms and root causes of seasonal and environmental allergies. Participants will learn effective allergy herbs, herbal actions to look for when formulating, food as medicine support, and how to create balanced formulas. Recipes will be shared!

Western Mass Herbal Symposium
Saturday May 11th
At the Montague Retreat Center- Montague, MA
Learn more here
Tree Medicine of the Northeast
The northeast is about 75% forested and contains numerous medicinal tree species, both native and non-native, making this a category of medicinals well worth getting to know. In this class we'll cover sustainable harvesting methods and ecological considerations to keep in mind when wildcrafting, learn when different tree medicines are in season, and highlight the medical uses of a tree species from each season and cover its medicinal uses in depth. Part workshop and part plant walk, after this introduction, we'll spend some time walking the grounds and identifying some of the medicinal tree species growing there. Handouts and resources for further study will be provided as well!

From the Roots Up Year I Apprenticeship
In this hands-on, experiential herb class we dig deep and form an intimate connection with each plant we work with. Topics covered include sustainable wildcrafting, field botany and plant ID, medicine-making, building the home apothecary, and learning the full materia medica (medicinal uses) for many of our locally abundant medicinal plants
We offer 2 options:
1 Sunday OR Monday/month
FULL for 2024!

Western Mass Master Gardener's Association Spring Symposium: Gardening in Changing Times
Saturday April 13th
Frontier Regional High School- Sunderland, MA
Learn more and register here
Common Garden Herbs for Community Resilience
There's so much medicine to be found in the herb garden.We'll explore common garden herbs such as lemon balm, lavender, rosemary, sage, and thyme and dive into their expansive benefits for everything from memory and focus, to nervous system health, immunity, and more.

Tree Medicine Plant Walk
Saturday March 30th
At Turtle Bend Farm- 20 Chamberlain Rd, Montgomery, MA
Register for the tree walk here
The northeast is home to many medicinal tree species, and spring is one of the best times of the year to harvest them- especially medicinal barks- while the sap is running! Learn techniques for wildcrafting bark, how to to I.D. some of our local medicinal trees while they are still in bud before they have leafed-out, their medicinal benefits, and how to capture these properties in your own homemade medicines like tinctures, oils, syrups, and teas.

From the Roots Up Year 2 Apprenticeship
1 Sunday/month
3/17, 4/7, 5/4, 6/9, 7/14, 8/4, 9/8, 10/20, 11/10
Currently enrolling!
Our Year II program builds and expands upon the concepts and topics introduced in our first year program. Perfect for a student who has completed our Year I From the Roots Up Apprenticeship or any of the seasonal class sessions or those who have some prior herbal experience.
We’ll hold true to the foundations of From the Roots Up- exploring bioregional herbalism, hands-on learning, sustainable wildcrafting, field botany and plant ID, medicine-making, and building the home apothecary- while bringing-in some more advanced topics.
Learn More & Register Here

Featured Past Events
Find a full list of past events here.
American Herbalists Guild (AHG) Symposium, HERBSTALK, RADHERB Convergence, Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference, Northeast Permaculture Convergence, Yoga + Herbs Convergence, UMASS Residential Life Wellness Conference, NOFA-MA Winter Conference, Groundnuts Ancestral Skills Gathering, Rhode Island Herb Fest
Unifier Festival, Red Fire Farm Tomato Festival, Winterfare
CISA (Communities Involved in Sustaining Agriculture), Railroad Street Youth Project, Brickhouse Community Resource Center, Just Roots/Greenfield Community Farm, Bullard Memorial Farm, Grow Food Amherst, Spiral, People's Medicine Garden, Amherst Historical Society
Food For Thought Books, River Valley Co-op, All Things Local Cooperative Market
Next Barn Over, Sawmill Herb Farm, Brookfield Farm, Crimson & Clover Farm, Just Roots, The Farm at Avalon, Full Kettle Farm, Red Fire Farm, Dig In Farm, Montague Retreat Center, Sweet Autumn Farm, Montview Farm
Blue Dragon Apothecary, Goldthread Herbal Apothecary, Bower Studio, Flower Power Herbs & Roots
Shutesbury Public Library, Public Library System of Martha’s Vineyard
The Childbirth Center at Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Permaculture FEAST, UMASS Medicinal Plant Program, UMASS Permaculture Initiative, Hampshire College, Western Mass Herbal Meet-up Group, SPIRAL, Herbal Community of Central Mass, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, UMASS Arthur F Kinney Center for Renaissance Studies, Amherst LSSE
New England Botanic Gardens at Tower Hill, Northfield Mtn Recreation & Environmental Center