Nettle, Garlic Mustard & Roasted Red Pepper Pesto
As soon as spring arrives the plant I’m the most excited to greet each year is Nettles. They’re a true harbinger of spring, one of earliest greens, and a vitamin and mineral-rich herbal multivitamin that also delivers the highest amounts of protein per serving in the plant kingdom- upwards of 30%!
Herbs to Bring in the Light: Addressing Depression & Seasonal Affect Disorder with Herbs
Earlier this week marked the passing of the holiday of Imbolc/Imbolg/Candelmas, a time when we celebrate the mid-point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, meaning we’re officially half-way to spring! While it will still be a while before the Daffodils and Snow Drops start blooming for us up here in the northeast, the slow returning of the light is palpable.